When you manage a brand, you have an image to groom. This is especially true online, where people from all around the world are constantly scrutinizing your brand. What’s more, it takes a very long time to create a positive brand reputation on the Web, but it takes just seconds to ruin it.
What, then, should be monitored to protect your brand’s image and prevent any mishaps? Any posts, feedback, mentions, reviews, testimonials, comments, links and more containing the following should be monitored closely.
Monitoring can be done quite easily by using tools such as RSS
Feeds, Google Analytics/Alerts, Hootsuite, and Twitter Search. If you see any
flags, respond in a timely manner, while being courteous and professional.
Likewise, if you receive positive feedback, show your gratitude- a few words
can go a long way and this will help in spreading a positive online image of
your brand.