Protexis Inc. is a leading developer of digital software licensing
solutions providing state-of-the-art, Internet-based tools to manage
license compliance. The company had developed a solid product offering
for software publishers and was planning to ramp up its sales efforts.
To do this more effectively, they required a new identity, product names
and website to better communicate their product story.
Protexis retained NextPhase for their depth of experience in
branding software companies. The components of the new program included
corporate and product rebranding, brochure and collateral templates, a
new website and e-marketing
With the new tools implemented, website traffic increased by over
50%. Now when new customers call, the sales team has found that they
already have a clear understanding of the Protexis product offering. “We
had high expectations and definitive goals, which NextPhase was able to
achieve within a short timeframe. The design is professional and helps
us to compete with larger companies in our space.” said Murray Hendren,
CEO of Protexis. Shortly after the new tools were launched, the company
landed Corel, its largest client to date.